
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Fall

Well, it's not quite fall yet, but now that the PSL (pumpkin spice latte) is back at Starbucks and school is starting up, it's pretty much fall in my mind.  I can go on and on about why fall is my favorite season, but I've managed to narrow it down to 10 reasons.

1.  The infamous PSL: Do I even need to explain?? It's my favorite drink hands down!

2.  Sweater weather: Sweaters are probably the most comfortable article of clothing you could wear.  Worried about that post-dinner food baby?  Don't fret!  Throw on a loose sweater to hide your food pregnancy!

3.  Shoes: Boots and moccasins galore!  Need I mention more?

4.  Colors: I love wearing darker colors for fall like black, burgundy, emerald, and navy.  These are also some of my favorite colors in general :)

5.  Thanksgiving: Who doesn't love Thanksgiving? This is my favorite holiday of the year because of the food, ambiance, and family.  Some of my fondest memories are on Thanksgiving!

6.  Black Friday: For those of you who don't know what Black Friday is, it's the day after Thanksgiving where all of the stores have blowout sales.  For shopaholics like me, this is one of the best times to splurge on gifts for family, friends, and obviously yourself!

7.  Halloween: You're never too old to dress up and stuff your face with candy!!  Also, some of the best parties are held on this day.

8.  Scents:  Autumnal scents like cinnamon, nutmeg, pine, and the smell of fresh air are some of my favorite.

9.  Temperature:  Not too hot, not too cold, but cool enough to wear sweaters!

10.  Ambiance:  Just thinking about fall gives me the warm and fuzzies.  Not to mention, the best music comes out in the fall time like Royals by Lorde and Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus.

What do you guys love about fall? Leave a comment below telling me some of your favorites things about this beautiful season!!

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